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Field Trips


Church and community volunteers are an important part of our program. Potential volunteers complete an application packet and a background check. The office maintains a master volunteer wish list that will match skills to the classroom and school needs. Tasks might include:


  • One-on-one reading

  • Assistance at recess or with field trips

  • Preparing curriculum materials for teachers

  • Share your skills through specialty classes, the afterschool program, and on Fridays.


Volunteers will wear an SBCS Volunteer lanyard while on school grounds.


On select Fridays, SBCS will host an Enrichment Day that will include morning chapel, on-campus clubs, educational activities, and adventures in God’s creation. Currently enrolled students, sign up with Easy Sign Up in SchoolCues. There is limited space available for students not enrolled full-time at SBCS, please reach out to the front office regarding involvement in Friday Enrichment.


Field trips are extensions of the learning day and connect the curriculum with real-life experiences. Parents must complete a Field Trip permission slip. Once a field trip has been approved by the Principal, parents will be notified about the date, location, departure, and return times as well as any fees that may occur. If your child cannot participate, please contact the office for options.


Parents are vital for successful field trips. Please consider serving as a chaperone following an approved background check. They may be assigned a small group of students. Parent chaperones must return to school to take their child home at the end of the day unless otherwise preapproved by the Principal.


SBCS welcomes parents and prospective parents and children! Please check in at the school office when you arrive and receive a Visitor Badge. Badges must be always worn and visible while at the school and returned to the school office upon departure. We ask prospective parents to schedule an appointment. Visitors that do not have a completed background check will not have unsupervised access to children and will be escorted by approved staff or volunteers while on campus.


Interested in applying for employment? Send us your resume and express your interest in employment.

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